Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid While Developing Yahoo! Store
Here Ydeveloper presents top 10 mistakes, which you should definitely avoid, if you are really keen on making your mark in the area of Yahoo Store design and development.
Yahoo Merchant Solution is one of the best channel of selling attracts traffic in greater number as compare to others. However, there are many things to take into account while setting up an ecommerce store to enhance your sales potential. To run a successful eCommerce site it’s important to avoid these mistakes.
Keep your Yahoo! eCommerce headaches at bay with Ydeveloper:
1] Improper Domain Name
Domain names should indicate what your business stands for. It should be easy to spell and reflects the business image as well. It should not be something that misleads clients and businesses.
2] Lack of Keywords
To run your ecommerce business successfully, it should have significant web presence. The best way to achieve this is through use of keywords. A keyword guides a visitor/customer from the search engine to your site. Associate yourself with a good web design company to ensure that your webpage has all the required keywords to attract your target audience.
3] Not Meeting the Demands of Consumers
Internet is the best place to kick-start a business at low-cost. However, the business will be able to survive and make profits only if the products sold on such sites meet the demand of the consumers.
4] Shying off from Seeking Assistance
The ecommerce owner may be a jack of trades, but lack of specialization may prove detrimental So business owners should seek assistance in areas where they lack the required expertise. It can be in the areas of marketing, accounting, etc.
5] Lack of Dedication
Just like brick-and-mortar store, an online business requires dedication and effort. The owners may have to work 24X7 and even on weekends. They have to come up with innovative marketing strategies, right products, etc. So lack of dedication won’t work.
6] Overlooking Website’s Layout
You should give enough time and consideration while building a layout. An ideal layout should be simple and clean, giving more emphasis to products. It should grab visitor’s attention. Avoid flashy designs because it draws attention away from the products.
7] Lack of Services and Products
Many ecommerce businesses are happy selling limited products, oblivious to the fact that they are losing customers. Visitors may purchase at the first visit, but may not come back for more. Adding more products is the best way out to attract more traffic.
8] Lack of Funding
Traditional businesses may require massive funding, but not ecommerce business. That’s not to say that ecommerce businesses require no funding. It requires start-up money, at least for purchasing domain name and marketing etc. The type of money required will depend on the type of business started.
9] Lack of Business Plan
Just like traditional businesses, online businesses should follow a proper business plan.
The plan should talk about the vision and mission of the business as well as five and ten year goals. Even advertising and marketing ideas should form part of this plan. It should also cover potential risk factors the businesses may face and how to deal with them.
10] Not bringing a Professional Web Agency on board
A website needs a professional look. A poorly designed website by amateur designers can affect your business prospects. Since professional website agencies have trained web designers who are skilled at creating attractive and highly-functional websites, which helps create a good impression on the minds of the consumers.
No doubt, an ecommerce business gives a boost to your traditional business. However, avoiding the aforesaid mistakes will ensure that the business venture is on the road to success.