Shopping Cart Abandonment - How to avoid this

When I was exploring the web to find out the infographics and resources on Shopping cart abandonment, my search was ended with this excellent infographics, which basically focus on checkout page of an ecommerce site that how you can improve this page so that it will help you  (as an online ecommerce store owner) to decrease a shopping cart abandonment rate and what you can Do's and Don't.

Here is the infographics:



  1. A very very helpful thing you have shared here and also it is creative.
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  2. Wow what a nice and great post. I am impressed from it.

    Thanks for more sharing.........

    " Venue & Property Marketing "

  3. As an online ecommerce store owner, this helped me but i got highly effective shopping cart eCommerce Solution, Nanacast Bonus. Anyways thanks for enhancing my knowledge on E-commerce Shopping cart.

  4. Strategic points of shopping cart abandonment beautifully designed. Love the graphic.

  5. It usually happen in every market specially when they let people bring the carts outside the mall.

  6. Great information and again, a great infographic. What exactly do you mean by shopping card abandonment? Do you mean the fact that people don't buy anything anymore?

  7. shopping cart optimization11/22/13, 6:57 AM

    Not only is this a
    well-written post, but I love the topic. Really trustworthy blog. Thanks for
    sharing !


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