How to Target Millennials with M-Commerce This Holiday Season

Target the Millennials is the new buzzword in the eCommerce world? Millennials? Doesn't that ring a bell for you? Okay. Millennials is used in reference to the digitally-driven American teenagers and twenty-somethings who have become prime new targets of eCommerce marketers. And if you happen to run an eCommerce store that's targeted toward the millennial generation, then it's time to make your site mobile-optimized. 
Here are three key considerations when optimizing your website for mobile:

1. Spotlight On The Site:

With the millennials going mobile crazy, Google doesn't wish to disappoint them. The search engine giant recently announced that mobile site optimization has to be factored in if websites really want to make it big on mobile rankings. 
Important Takeaways:
  • Observe it's best practices on smartphone-optimized websites.
  • If responsive design doesn't work for you, Google supports dynamically-served HTML.
  • Flat, clean and simple website design
  • Improve page load times.
For websites that are not mobile-ready, it's recommended to focus on introducing small changes to the revenue-driving pages and custom landing pages.

And also use Google Analytics “Speed Suggestions” report to figure out those pages that are not doing well, and use PageSpeed Insights tool to address the critical issues.

2. Spotlight On The Content:

Google's killer Hummingbird algorithm helps mobile users search faster and better. Their conversational queries are addressed on the go. With countdown for holiday season starting, it becomes all the more important to produce content with upcoming seasonal offers for mobile-optimized landing pages. 
Important Takeaways:
  • Create categories and optimize content for each category.
  • Craft creative landing page content, using holiday keyword trends and by introducing offers that could be social or local.
  • Avoid flash on your landing pages for it's not supported by mobile.
  • Succinct content, as mobile users wish to access what they need quickly.
  • Make the most of social media: tweet about products, generate blog posts, link and optimize landing pages.
  • Craft original content for social media.
  • Link and also optimize your landing pages around short-term/holiday conversion campaigns.
3. Spotlight on Conversions:
Though the average conversion rate of a desktop is slightly better (1.0% for desktop and 0.3 for smartphones) than smartphones, the purchase cycle is fairly quick for mobile searchers. According to Google research, 81 percent of conversions happen within 5 hours. And more importantly, the entertainment and media industry have better conversion rate on mobiles than desktops. 
Important Takeaways:
Find out what the customer does with his mobile? Do they email stuff to themselves to review later? Do they use it to compare items? Do they use it for making fast purchases? Tailor mobile capabilities to address their needs immediate and/or long. These needs may evolve as the holiday season grows closer.

Make use of video content. It's a well-acknowledged fact that entertainment and media industries using video content have more conversions on mobile than desktop.

Track mobile’s role in analytics, given that every mobile search leads to meaningful outcomes, such as sharing information on the page, calling businesses or checking out the physical store.

Make conversions simple — the fewer clicks, the better on mobile. Ensure the call-to-actions is installed above the fold for mobile users for consumers may not scroll to the bottom of the page to find your “Buy” button.