Difference in Google Search Results with and without logged in

To stay myself updated with latest technological upgrades in Ecommerce, I was looking for top ecommerce blogs to get it subscribed via email or other way. To do this, I go for search into the Google.com using Firefox web browser. Search box of Google was waiting for me to put a query. Therefore, I entered “top ten ecommerce blogs” and click to search for a result; I was surprised with the results I found. Can someone guess why I was surprised?
No? Not?

Surprisingly, my blog on ecommerce was on 4th place. I did same process again to find list of top ten ecommerce blogs; there was no change in the search results. When I tried Google.com using Google Chrome for a same search query, I did not found my blog in the first 10 results whereas it was found on 4th when I used Firefox. This difference confused me a lot. It might be an issue with web browsers. So, I cleared cookies for a while in both of the web browsers and I did same process again in Firefox and chrome. This time, I could not find my blog in first ten results and both browsers had same results on “top ten ecommerce blogs”.

Do you know why? I find, logged into Google account was the main reason of this difference, which I had never noticed before and automatically logged out after clearing the Firefox cookies.

Now, the question is why this difference was there. Why a logged in user can’t see a normal Google search results?

The answer is the effect of personalized search / social search / search plus your world (SPYW)! These results are based on what you and the people in your circles have shared, commented and +1’d in Google+ stream.

Here, I can see my blog on 4th place, which was originally posted in Google+ stream of Ecommerce Blog and I shared it on Ydeveloper’s Google+ stream. Please take a note; I was logged in with Ydeveloper’s Google+ account while searching for a “top ten ecommerce blogs”.

With and Without logged in Search Result comparison:

Google search results on “top ten ecommerce blogs” with logged in:

Google search results on “top ten ecommerce blogs” without logged in:

Are you in favor of these personalized search results or still, you loving the normal search results.
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