Ways of Doing Online or Ecommerce Business!
We are here to talk more about business on the internet or web. We all know one traditional system of doing business for years, in which a person or group of persons manages all the transactions and activities of business with the presence of a shop, store or shopping mall. Availability of information technology and its outsourcing services, it has become possible to sell products and services online via E commerce. Including ‘e’ to commerce enables the different types of business called, e-business, e-store, e-shop, e-commerce, e-trade, etc
Electronic Commerce, which is the form of digitally enabled business and carries commercial transactions over the internet, has gained its popularity because of the interest of people. Internet savvy people usually prefer to do shopping online. Retailers have no way to enter the online business. It is tough to know and learn all the aspects of designing and development of the ecommerce website for a retailer first time entering into ecommerce business. They must have an idea about few forms of e-business as follows,
Following are the various ways of doing online or E-commerce Business:
B2C – Business to Consumer:
As the name recommends, it is the model leading to businesses and consumers. This is the most coarse e-commerce division. In this model, online enterprises sell to distinctive consumers. When B2C began, it has possessed a small share in the marketplace for last 15 years and its extension was exponential. The basic idea over this kind of business is that the online retail merchants and dealers can exchange their products to the online shopper by using evident of data, which is ready for used via different internet marketing tools. E.g., an online pharmaceutics delivering free medical services and marketing medicines to patients is the retinue B2C model.
B2B –Business to Business:
It is the large form of Ecommerce business implying the enterprise of trillions of dollars. In this format, the shoppers and retailers are both business existences involved and do not require an individual customer. It is like the producer supplying goods to the retail merchant or wholesaler. E.g., Dell offers computers and other related products online. However, it does not produce all the computers, as they purchase those from others and sell them online.
C2C – Consumer to Consumer:
It promotes the online deals of products or services amid two people. Even though there is no perceptible mediator participating in this kind of business, both parties cannot bring out the negotiations without the platform, which is offered by the online marketplace such as Amazon.
P2P – Peer to Peer:
This is the model is something different from other models of ecommerce. It is basically a technology. In which, a person directly shares files and other computer resources without accessing a central web server. By installing the software, it can be easily used by the two parties in a common platform. Peer to peer is more of a market where the sellers come and go as they please. You never undergo what you will look for until you get there. The goods are not in the same place every time. All these conjecturing nomads could pack up and go out the town the next day, and you would be over there in the shopping centre again, annoying to the way down where they moved so you could proceed, too.
M-Commerce – Mobile Commerce:
Mobile Commerce relates to wireless electronic commerce used for escorting commerce or business via a handy device like cellular phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs). It is also revealed that it is the latest generation wireless ecommerce that requires no wire and add-in devices. Mobile commerce is typically called as "M Commerce" in which person can do any sort of transaction, comprising, purchasing and selling of the merchandise, transferring the money by acquiring wireless internet service on the mobile handset itself.
The next era of commerce would most in all probabilities be mobile commerce or M Commerce. Assuming its broad potential, it will reach to all and big brands of the mobile handsets are manufacturing with WAP enabled smart phones and offering the highest wireless the internet and web means covering individual, official and business requirement to cover the way of mobile commerce that would be very productive for them forthcoming.
Electronic Commerce, which is the form of digitally enabled business and carries commercial transactions over the internet, has gained its popularity because of the interest of people. Internet savvy people usually prefer to do shopping online. Retailers have no way to enter the online business. It is tough to know and learn all the aspects of designing and development of the ecommerce website for a retailer first time entering into ecommerce business. They must have an idea about few forms of e-business as follows,
Following are the various ways of doing online or E-commerce Business:
B2C – Business to Consumer:
As the name recommends, it is the model leading to businesses and consumers. This is the most coarse e-commerce division. In this model, online enterprises sell to distinctive consumers. When B2C began, it has possessed a small share in the marketplace for last 15 years and its extension was exponential. The basic idea over this kind of business is that the online retail merchants and dealers can exchange their products to the online shopper by using evident of data, which is ready for used via different internet marketing tools. E.g., an online pharmaceutics delivering free medical services and marketing medicines to patients is the retinue B2C model.
B2B –Business to Business:
It is the large form of Ecommerce business implying the enterprise of trillions of dollars. In this format, the shoppers and retailers are both business existences involved and do not require an individual customer. It is like the producer supplying goods to the retail merchant or wholesaler. E.g., Dell offers computers and other related products online. However, it does not produce all the computers, as they purchase those from others and sell them online.
C2C – Consumer to Consumer:
It promotes the online deals of products or services amid two people. Even though there is no perceptible mediator participating in this kind of business, both parties cannot bring out the negotiations without the platform, which is offered by the online marketplace such as Amazon.
P2P – Peer to Peer:
This is the model is something different from other models of ecommerce. It is basically a technology. In which, a person directly shares files and other computer resources without accessing a central web server. By installing the software, it can be easily used by the two parties in a common platform. Peer to peer is more of a market where the sellers come and go as they please. You never undergo what you will look for until you get there. The goods are not in the same place every time. All these conjecturing nomads could pack up and go out the town the next day, and you would be over there in the shopping centre again, annoying to the way down where they moved so you could proceed, too.
M-Commerce – Mobile Commerce:
Mobile Commerce relates to wireless electronic commerce used for escorting commerce or business via a handy device like cellular phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs). It is also revealed that it is the latest generation wireless ecommerce that requires no wire and add-in devices. Mobile commerce is typically called as "M Commerce" in which person can do any sort of transaction, comprising, purchasing and selling of the merchandise, transferring the money by acquiring wireless internet service on the mobile handset itself.
The next era of commerce would most in all probabilities be mobile commerce or M Commerce. Assuming its broad potential, it will reach to all and big brands of the mobile handsets are manufacturing with WAP enabled smart phones and offering the highest wireless the internet and web means covering individual, official and business requirement to cover the way of mobile commerce that would be very productive for them forthcoming.